
Friday, 22 May 2020

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is 100% real.
It is super scary
It is pretty hard to understand it if you have never experienced it yourself.
You literally can't speak or move a hand.   last night as I was attempting to sleep, I got to thinking about what frightened me most about sleep paralysis. I feel like that feeling of losing control was the most frightening aspect of it for me. Here's what causes that sensation.
When you sleep, your body and mind shut down the connection to your muscles that control movement. This is so that you can't act out your dreams physically in your sleep and hurt yourself. However, with some people with certain sleep disorders and just people with no issues at all, that connection that signals your muscles to move again upon waking sometimes does not connect completely.
When this occurs, your mind awake enough to see and know that you are awake, but when you try to move you can't. This typically only lasts a few seconds but sometimes hallucinations can occur. Because you can't move and you feel so out of control, your mind tries to fill in the gaps and assumes that this paralysis is being caused by an external Force. Once this happens, people tend to hallucinate scary things such as Intruders, aliens, demons and the like. Our brains are magnificent and amazing but they can also make us feel and believe things that aren't true. This is why it's so important to learn as much as you can and educate yourself on what's really happening in your brain.
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend
Has Sleep paralysis ever happened to you? Share your experience

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